How Important is a Strong Root Structure?

How Important is a Strong Root Structure?

How Important is a Strong Root Structure?
Close-up of a plant's brown roots covered in dirt.

It’s everything.

Simply put, healthy plants have healthy roots. In fact, half of the secret to growing beautiful plants is healthy roots.

Healthy, fleshy, abundant roots:

– Support the growth of those fantastic flowers and lush, glossy foliage.

– Knit soil that might otherwise be washed away during heavy rains.

– Facilitate better uptake of water and nutrients, two of the most critical resources a plant needs.

– Produce stronger stems and foliage that better withstand environmental stress, especially in challenging climates.

Define “healthy roots?”  

Next time you’re at a nursery, gently turn a pot over and take a look. Roots that are white or tan colored, succulent when you squeeze them and have fleshy white tips, are indications that the root system is healthy. Roots that are brown, soft, and fall apart easily are clues that the root system is not optimal.

How We Grow Our Plants

Each of the 3,600 plant varieties we grow is nurtured in a customized soil mix. This helps develop a strong root system. Mycorrhizae are added to the soil mix. This is a "good fungus" that helps the roots absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil.

There's much you can do to keep roots healthy (see below). However, you'll be locked in battle if your plant comes home with roots that are too few, small, or unhealthy. Top growth like lots of deep green leaves, buds, and flowers are an indication your plant is in great condition. It pays to take a peek at the roots, too. A plant that’s exceptional from bottom to top is the best way to start off right.

How Can I Maintain My Healthy Roots?

So, now that healthy, well-rooted plant is at your home and you have just the place for it. Exciting! Let’s keep it in tip-top shape, starting with the roots.

  • Water deeply and thoroughly only when its needed. “Needed”, huh? Okay, this is a two part answer. Too much water suffocates and rots roots. It discourages them from drilling down into the soil to find their own source of water. Too little water, especially for newly planted specimens risks drying out roots before they can get settled in. So, plants need more frequent (but shorter) watering when they are first planted. Depending on your climate and conditions this could mean a quick drink daily or every other day. For established plants, this means waiting until you see the surface of the soil begin to change color. It will go from dark to light then watering deeply but infrequently. For containers, you need to be a bit more vigilant. Also more careful, as a waterlogged pot is sure to be an issue. We highly recommend a $10.00 moisture meter that can be bought at any hardware store.
  • Feed your soil so it can feed your plants. Regular applications of organic materials such as compost provide nutrients. It also improves tilth and aeration helping keep roots healthy.
  • Be gentle when planting, relocating, or repotting so as not to disturb or break roots.
  • Adding a 2-3 inch layer of mulch after planting can help keep roots cool and moist. It will prevent weed growth at the same time. Weeds compete with your newly planted specimens for water and nutrients. Smother them!
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2016-11-07 08:55:00

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